Plate Pasteurizer
Plate Pasteurizer

Ranking the first among the company’s primarily designed and engineered pasteurizers, DG P11 group has been developed and advanced through the course of time to meet the customized requirements of various processing plants and meanwhile improved to achieve less energy consumption, convenient application, ideal linking with other equipment in line for guaranteed functionality and increased lifetime of the whole unit. Modular feature of DG PA11 series enables us to design and built them to meet your product and process requirements and for various working shifts per day.

This generation of our classic plate pasteurizers features a continuous automated thermal processing which is best for market milk, yogurt milk, yogurt drink, kefir, ice-cream, cream and juices with fruit particles of 5mm or smaller size. The deaeration system that covers the entire product range (from low to high viscosity) and much longer holding times are other added features of DG PA11 series. 

DG PA 11 series are available for 1000 L/H-35000 L/H capacities and in three operational temperature range.