Dmagostar Industrial Manufacturing Group established in 1991, launched its activities in the field of design, manufacturing industrial cold storage, heat exchanger and carry out industrial projects for beverage and dairy. Damagostar industrial and manufacturing group ,established in 1991, launched it's activities in design and manufacturing of cold storage, heat exchangers for dairy and beverage industrial projects.
our group during the period of 1995-1996 according to the aims of the national food industry and international dairy standard , damagostar group equipped itself with modern technology and recruit expert. In turn it led to successful introduction of powerful networks of research.
Meeting the requirements and ever increasing demands of different industrial sectors including dairy , sauce , juice , glucose upgrading the installed-in technology level along with well receiving CEO’s enquirers namely as customer & market orientation heading for the last updated global scale technological knowledge.
DAMAGOSTAR has already been proudly affecting and influencing in production line technology , QC ranking and even a meaning solution for cost reduction points.. . We are proud to add that, as it is also confirmed by the renowned industrialists, we are entering the group of the most reliable manufacturers on the domestic and also we exported machinery equipments and installed and operated in our several neighbor countries project line. We hope that with the assistance of the appropriate pioneer expert people, we could be able to earn a good frame for Iran.