These packages calculate the amount of the received milk based on the kilogram or liter with the accuracy of one thousand . They can calculate density and temperature of the milk . these devices have the capacity of 2000 L/H to 40000 L/H .
- Reliable measurement of the received milk volume based on Liter and Kilogram with 0.001 AK. Detection of the received milk density and input temperature. - - Monotonous and continuous cooling of milk up to 2 co through a Plate Heat Exchanger enjoying Alfa Laval and APV Plates. - Mechanical filtration of milk and easy safe cleaning of the unit contributing to a connected central CIP System. - Capable of interlinking to the central monitoring network and allocation of a code to every single supplier to control the milk volume they monthly deliver. - Requiring minimum occupying space, even could be designed in a portable style. - Equipped with APV (W+) and Alfa Laval (LKH) Centrifugal Electropumps ensures the long term operation of transmitting pumps with monotonous capacities and high pressure rate.
In Dairy and Beverages Industry